Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I started something I couldn't finish?

So I created this account only so I could comment on other blogs because the one-sided relationships I had were getting weird not to mention downright frustrating. It took me back to high school when I'd always be on the outside, silently observing the "cool" kids who would eternally be oblivious of my existence. How could I let history repeat itself?

I had never planned on blogging myself; the internet is a time-suck as it is for me so it's the last thing I need right now. However, day after day, I found myself clicking on "Elyria". I don't know what I was expecting. The emptiness of the black screen saddened me. I could hear it gently taunting me, daring me to fill it... "just ONE post Elyria. One."

I am not a writer. I can't look at the sky just before a thunderstorm and have the colors inspire me to write about my hopes and dreams. I like to know who my audience is at all times yet I hesitate sharing personal information with those I know.

Still, I'd be lying like a rug if I didn't admit I am just a wee bit excited to see where this single post takes me.


Chamak said...

welcome to the blogosphere! hope you'll be pleasantly surprised by where the blogging will and can take you ;). thanks for your comment on my blog btw.

darling said...

so far so good :)

One step at a time :) or in this case one post at a time lol